what i’ve learned since becoming a mum
I’ve learned I’ll not get through the day clean. I will be covered in food, snotters and possibly shite too (hopefully not my own)!
I’ve learned your toddlers floor will become comfortable. Accept that you need to lie there to get them to sleep and it’s half the battle.
I’ve learned not to lick or smell anything that I accidentally put your hand in. Just go wash them.
I’ve learned that I’ll never reach the bottom of the washing basket. It will never ever be empty.
I’ve learned that kids are expensive. Why are punnets of berries so dear!!?
I’ve learned that if I sleep 8 hours or 8 minutes I’ll still be tired.
I’ve learned my babies don’t care how I look, just that I’m there.
I’ve learned that having toys literally everywhere is ok. What’s the point in tidying up 10 times a day? Wait until they are asleep and reset for the morning!
I’ve learned there’s not enough hours in the day and things can wait. They will get done eventually.
I’ve learned to embrace that my priorities have changed. My babies are my number one and their well-being, routine and happiness is what matters.
I’ve learned that the best time for your babies to learn/do something is their own time. Don’t rush them and don’t compare them. They are learning at their own pace.
I’ve learned that people will leave your life and people you didn’t expect will become your village. If people want to see the baby and/or you they should make the effort!
I’ve learned that your new family is all that matters. Don’t people please, suit you and prioritise your happiness!
I’ve learned that date night is now a takeaway and binging tv! Then regretting we stayed up late when the babies wake up at 5am!
I’ve learned that time goes by in the blink of an eye. One minute their legs don’t fill their newborn baby grow, next you can’t button the trousers because of their thigh rolls.
I’ve learned that I’m an average mum sometimes and that’s ok. I can’t and won’t be perfect!
I’ve learned that my babies teach me things everyday. They teach me what it is to love someone unconditionally, to be patient and to cherish every single moment.