The “Unofficial” auntie!
The “unofficial” aunties
I’ve got about 5 myself, and I’m 29. They will always be referred to “auntie” as they have done all my life. My babies are unbelievably lucky to have so many “unofficial aunties” in their life. When I found out I was pregnant with Kerr I had friends who I knew would be so present in his life because they are in mine. I love their babies like my own and vice verza.
I was pregnant at the same time as my best friend with my first pregnancy. We were due 6 weeks apart and both found out we were having baby boys! We manifested that they would be best friends and love each other like we do. To this day, they shout for each other when we drive by each others houses, they run to each other and cuddle, and they fight like any pals do. We would have forced them to be best friends so they are lucky it turned out that way anyway!
I had no idea how much i would love being an unofficial auntie. I knew that I would love my friends babies but I underestimated just how much they would mean to me. Their wee cuddles make my heart melt, their wee cries make my heart hurt and seeing them smile could make my heart burst.
I genuinely love them as much as I love my own babies. I can guarantee that my face lights up when I see them!
I sit on edge when I see them get into trouble and think to myself “don’t do it pal or you’ll get into bother” and then have to look away before I start to smirk at the cheek that is ripping out of them! I sneakily want to give them a high five because the mischief I just witnessed was impressive but I don’t want to get into bother myself from their maws. I celebrate with them when they do something amazing and I comfort them when they get hurt or just need someone there.
I hope that when they are older they know that I am a phone call away if they ever need me, or if they just don’t want their mum or dad to find out their antics. I will be there person if they want me to be.
When they are together it’s chaos and I love it. My house gets turned upside down, I run out of snacks and the excitement is unreal. I can’t remember having a quiet house and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m that auntie with my phone in your face taking pictures because I can’t quite believe how big you are getting. I’m that auntie that sits and looks at old baby pictures and still can’t believe you were ever that small. I could cry at pictures of my own babies with my nieces and nephews because their bond does and will always mean the world to me.
My own babies unofficial aunties have supported me in ways I can’t even explain. They were there throughout my second difficult pregnancy and never once hesitated when I asked for help. They were the first to visit their new niece and never once made my wee boy feel left out. We’ve celebrated so many milestones together, understood when one of us hasn’t replied straight away, never judged each other for wearing joggies 5 days out of 7 and appreciated when we’ve used the phrase “I’m that shattered I could greet”. Because we get it.
Will I be picking my nieces and nephews up from house parties? Possibly.
Will I tell them they should behave better even though I done the same? Absolutely. No niece or nephew of mine should follow in my teenage footsteps!
The first few years as an unofficial auntie have been incredible and I can’t wait to see what my wee pals get up to as they get older!
Love yous always,
Auntie Emz x